Bud Collyer

Bud Collyer was an American radio actorannouncer who became one of the nations first major television game show stars. He is best remembered for his work as the first host of the TV game shows Beat The Clock and To Tell the Truth, but he was also famous in the roles of Clark KentSuperman on radio and in animated shorts.

Collyer was born Clayton Johnson Heermance, Jr. in New York City, to Clayton Johnson Heermance and Caroline Collyer. He originally sought a career in law, attending Williams College where he was a member of Psi Upsilon fraternity, and Fordham University law school. Though he became a law clerk after his graduation, making as much in a month of radio as he did in a year of clerking convinced him to make broadcasting his career, changing his surname and becoming a familiar voice on all three major radio networks by 1940.

Source: Wikipedia